Current injection probe F-120501-1008-1 Return
Product overview
F-120501-1008-1 is a high-efficiency injection probe, mainly used for low-frequency conducted immunity testing.

 F-120501-1008-1 is a high-efficiency injection probe, mainly used for low-frequency conducted immunity testing. When the single-turn primary of the probe is driven by the input N-type connector from a low impedance source (with a 10Ω loop as the secondary load), the insertion loss from 1 kHz to 10 MHz is less than 1 dB. The aperture of the probe is large enough, and the user can customize the probe injection configuration by winding the number of primary turns. When the insertion loss measurement is set to 10 turns of the primary and the same 10Ω load as the secondary, the input rated power of the injection probe is 1 kilowatt, which can last for 30 minutes.

main feature:

  Frequency range: 1kHz – 10MHz

  Coupling window: 40mm x 91mm

  Weight: 24kg

  External dimensions: width 152mm, height 191mm, length 286mm

  Rated input power: 1000W

Supporting options:

  F-120501-1008-2: Calibration fixture, bandwidth 1kHz – 10MHz

  F-14A: Current probe, bandwidth 100Hz – 10MHz, inner diameter 65mm, transmission impedance 0.013Ω

Meet the standards:
application area:
technical parameter:

Typical insertion loss

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Copyright:Shanghai Lioncel Electromagnetic Technology Co., Ltd (2020)
